The Linnet`s Song

by Jacob de Graaf

Years ago I came across a beautiful Scottish or Irish folksong called "The Mountain Streams where the Moorcocks Crow". It was recorded by Susan McKeown on her 1998 album Bushes and Briars. These past weeks we`ve had birds nesting in our garden and raising their young, and one line kept running through my head: Where the linnet sings her sweet notes so pleasing. This line inspired me to set out the design that lays before you.The pattern is versatile, in that it can be transformed into a commemorative piece (for weddings, births and celebrations), it could be a welcome sampler - but you could also decide to stitch a small portion of the sampler. You can stitch this sampler on light or dark cloth. It is best stitched with two colors that compliment each other.

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